For Real?!

    Let me just start by saying, we are going sailing. Not like for a nice little vacation, but like we are packing up our house, pulling our kids out of school, and moving onto a boat... to live... for the next at least 15 months (most likely longer). The more times I say it the better, I think I believe myself a little more each time and freak out a little less.
    Joe (the hubby), has had the dream of circumnavigating the world in his heart since he was a teen. I've been working to help him forget that for the past 18 years and pretty sure he's been working the past 18 years to help me catch the vision. Ok, we haven't really been working on each other, but you know where we stand.
    Life has thrown us all kinds of adventures and curve balls throughout our dating and married life not to mention the 5 kids. The adventure though we make everything else seem like child's play. I think about it basically all day long and run through all of the emotions over and over and over again. Excitement, fear, hope, dread, anxiousness, determination, overwhelmed, disbelief, tairior....yeah pretty much all the things.
   Writing down my thoughts and feelings felt like a good idea. I good way to let it all out, and have a record to look back on too. So here I sit in my bed, still safe in my house, clicking away at my keyboard. More people climb mount Everest then circumnavigate the world. That's what Joe keeps telling me, not sure if that's meant to make me feel better or worse, or cool or crazy. I feel all of those actually.
